Radishes. Just thinking of them sends a message to my brain that
tingles my tongue. Crisp, peppery and delicious. Radishes are usually the first
thing I pick up on a crudité platter, if present. There is just something so
appealing about them for me. I love eating them raw, but best eaten in
combination with something like a fresh lemony-yogurt dip or even in a slaw.
By all accounts radishes have been around for thousands of years.
Some food historians believe they were first cultivated in China, and made
their way to Egypt and Greece. By the mid 1500’s they were in England and then
off to the Americas. By about the 1600’s they were being grown on this side of
the Atlantic, and the rest as they say, is history.
Radishes are root vegetables that can be eaten raw, braised or even
roasted. They grow very quickly, which is a good thing for radish lovers
Keep a few things in mind when purchasing your radishes at the market.
You want the leaves to look fresh and bright. The root or radish end should be
smooth, firm and intact. Put them back if they are soft, cracked or have black
Once you get them home remove the leaves. If the leaves are nice and
fresh go ahead and add them to your salad, or even sauté them a bit. After you
remove the leaves place the radishes in a perforated plastic bag and into the
‘fridge they go. Most varieties will last for up to two weeks. That is of
course never happens at our house!
Last weekend I picked up some lovely French Breakfast radishes from
the Madura Farm table at the Chappaqua Farmers Market. The Easter Egg
variety, you see on the right, were purchased at Tarry Market.
I also had a bunch of Cherry Belles, the basic variety you find in the produce
aisle too. I had a lot of fun testing, and eating, radishes this week!
A few days ago, on my weekly trip to Port Chester Seafood, I spotted
some beautiful soft shell crabs in the case. (Another sign that Winter moving
fast behind us.) These yummy little crabs make an appearance at the market in
the Spring too – and are just so delicious. With a few other ingredients
already in my ‘fridge I was inspired to make a super simple slaw to top my
sautéed crabs. (The recipe is at the end of the post.)

Believe it or not this recipe took me all of about
30 minutes to prepare. The one item in my cabinet, that makes slicing quick and
easy, is a Benriner mandoline. You can find this basic model I keep in my knife kit
for under $30.00.
Once you get your slaw together and marinating you can start working on your crabs. I use a combination of Wondra flour and fine cornmeal. Wondra is a fine milled flour that is used for gravy and pie crusts. I like it when I dredge things to fry - it's a lot lighter than all-purpose flour and the cornmeal adds a little crispness.
To pan fry I used grapeseed oil, but you can also do this with a nice canola too. Just use something that is neutral. You want the flavor of the crab to shine through!
Once you see a little smoke coming off the pan, go ahead and place your crabs in topside down. You want to get a nice crisp crust. Since they are small cooking time is very fast - mine took only about 3 minutes on each side. You want them to be cooked through; juicy, but not dried out.
For my sandwiches I used a soft roll with a slightly crisp crust. The crabs are delicate, so you don't want to have a thick dense piece of bread. Just for good measure I added a few more sliced radishes too!
I still had some radishes left over so I decided to roast them in the
oven. Roasting veggies is another simple way to bring out the true
deliciousness of your ingredients. I do it all Winter long with parsnips,
butternut squash, potatoes ... so why not try radish?
I simply sliced them in half, tossed with a little olive oil and salt and placed in a 450 degree oven for about 20 minutes.
When they came out I tossed them with a pat of compound butter from my
freezer. Compound butter is a great way to add a little more flavor to your
dishes. This one has lemon zest and chives. To make compound butter simply soften it and add the
flavor you desire, then form into a log. (Keep them in the freezer to extend their freshness and life.) Compound butters are as different as your
imagination and perfect over warm veggies, chicken or fish.
Not to let anything go to waste I took the pan that I cooked the
radishes in and I added a little Lemon Vin Cotto Vinegar to it and then tossed in some beautiful spring lettuce from Gaia's
Breath Farm, season with a little salt and pepper and gently mix.
The roasted radishes take on a texture that is a cross between a
braised cipollini onion and a soft fingerling potato. The peppery bite mellows
into an earthy sweetness. If you've never tried to cook one, now is the time!
Next week I'll be talking about Fiddlehead Ferns!
Buon Appetito!
Maria’s Crab and Slaw Sandwich
Serves 4
2 cups thinly sliced red cabbage
1 cup matchstick sliced Cherry Belle radishes
1 cup matchstick sliced Granny Smith apple
1 cup shredded carrot
1 garlic clove, grated
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
zest of 1 lemon
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon coarse black pepper
½ cup chopped hazelnuts
½ cup chopped chives
4 soft shell crabs, cleaned by your fishmonger
½ cup fine cornmeal
½ cup Wondra flour
½ teaspoon each kosher salt and ground black pepper
¼ cup grapeseed oil
4 soft rolls
Combine the cabbage, radish, apple and carrot in a large bowl. Whisk
the lemon zest, juice, oil and seasoning in a small bowl. Pour over the slaw
and toss well.
Meanwhile in a shallow bowl combine the cornmeal, flour and seasoning.
Season the crabs with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Dredge in the flour
mixture. Place the grapeseed oil a sauté pan over medium high heat. When it
starts to smoke slightly add the crabs and cook for about 3 minutes in each
side. When they are cooked through set aside on a platter.
The cabbage should be a little soft at that point. Give it a good toss
and add in the nuts and chives. Taste for seasoning. Place the crab on a
roll and top with slaw and enjoy!
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